Secondary School Visits and Resources


Use musical instruments to create spaces for complex thinking, looking at the world in new ways.

Collection: University of Edinburgh; Persons: N/A; Event: Sitar workshop; ‘A Musical Journey’; Place: Alison House; Category: University of Edinburgh; events; Description: 15/05/2016; Alison House; Sitar workshop; ‘A Musical Journey’

Changing World / Changing Sound: The way we hear music today is different from how people heard music in the past. Hear the sounds of the instruments played in the past, see how they have developed over time and explore how modern music is creating the instruments of tomorrow.

Music of the Middle Passage: How did the diaspora of enslaved Africans alter music and musical instruments? Follow the path of the Middle Passage and discover the musical instruments that developed in the New World and how these instruments and their sounds helped to create the music we listen to today.

Sacred Sounds: Take a close look at musical instruments used in many of the world’s religion and learn about the symbolism and ritual of these items. Some religions even use human remains in their musical instrument practice. Discover why and discuss how this practice may be changing today.

Specialised Tours for Music Student: An excellent opportunity for students sitting music higher exams to better understand their subjects by learning about the instruments of the Renaissance, Baroque and Classical and Modern periods. These bespoke tour can cater to your individual classes needs.

Contact us to find our more ways we can customize your visit to your curricular needs.


Call 0131 650 2600 (Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 17:00).


The Hass Clavichord: understanding life and trade in the 18th century. How are instruments made, where do the materials come from and what can we learn from an instrument made more than 250 years ago? An interactive webpage and lessons for secondary school students.

St Cecilia's Hall